Sunday, March 27, 2011

I have moved!!!!

So, my project is actually up faster than I thought it would be!! Come check me out at and there you will see my blogs.  Also, use the "Contact" page, if you would like to blog for the site, let me know and I'll get you hooked up! There is a forum page called Random Thoughts where you can post your thoughts and all kinds of cool stuff!! Go check it out!  I will be blogging from there exclusively, so be sure to follow me there using the Goggle Friends Connect on the first page, about mid-way down.  Thanks for everyone support and I hope to see you over there!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Gov. Scott Walker's Emails: Considers Tantrum-Like Solutions

Being a mother of a 2 1/2 year old and an 18 month old, I know tantrums, and even for my kids, I can't help but chuckle when I watch my son, oh so carefully lay himself on the floor making sure he doesn't hurt himself, while whining because his sister is playing with a toy that he wants to play with, or because I said "no" to any more girl scout cookies.  It seriously makes me crack up and wish I could get it on video sometime.  Even though it is developmentally normal for toddlers to throw tantrums when they do not get their way, at what age do they just become unacceptable? Surely it is before ten years old.  I have a step daughter who is eleven, and for some unknown reason, she too can throw tantrums just as bad as my toddlers, and at that age it is very unbecoming of her and quite immature and most of all below her age group.  If it is acceptable for a two year old to throw tantrums, but unacceptable for a ten year old, does it then become acceptable when we hit middle age, or is this just a new thing for the Republicans and tea partiers of today?

Rep. Joe "You Lie" Wilson
We all remember the "fit heard around the world", Congressman Joe Wilson screaming out "You Lie" while President Obama was addressing congress.  Besides the pre-election tantrums that we saw from Sarah Palin and John McCain, this was almost the start of the Party of Temper Tantrums.

In the most recent days, the emails from Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin were released to The Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism and from the looks of it, along with the prank phone call from David Koch, Walker was very annoyed with the protesters and the negative publicity he was receiving. During this time, according to polls, the majority of Americans opposed his union-busting tactics.  So what's a Governor to do?  Well, as far as we know right now, he considered putting in trouble making plants into the protests to try and discredit the people of Wisconsin.  Then in an email, sent from an Indiana deputy prosecutor, Carlos F. Lam, suggested that Walker employ someone to "pretend to be sympathetic to the unions’ cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the unions,”.  Mr Lam earlier today (3/24/2011) admitted to writing the email and promptly resigned. Wow, talk about horrible things to do, just because your not getting your way.  Here's a copy of the email courtesy of

Click on Image to Enlarge

Along with Carlos Lam's notice of resignation:
Click on Image to Enlarge

Why on earth, someone would suggest to stage a "Reagan-Like" shoot-me-in-the-leg attempt, just to get people to go along with what you say, is absolutely beyond comprehension for me.  My question is, if you have to contemplate putting trouble makers into a crowd of people that oppose you or stage an attack on yourself, would that not tell you that what you are doing, may just not be the right thing?  If what you are trying to do, is sparking a middle class movement against you and your party, and energizing and organizing your opposing party, would that not be something to think about and maybe want to save yourself from a possible recall? I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it would get me to reconsider what I was doing.

The emails also show that his amount of support was 2-1, however one-third of his supporters were from out of state.  So that tells me, in order for you to have the majority of people support what your doing in your own state, you have to have support outside of your state from people that will not be affected by your legislation.

Besides Gov. Scott Walker, who else has thrown tantrums?

Michele "Mystery" Bachmann ~ Calling the Obama administration a "gangster government"

Sarah "Sister" Palin ~ There are too many of her tantrums to name, but most of them consist of basically saying "I know you are but what am I?" to the "media" that she forgets, she gets paid from a main stream media corporation: Fox News. But as long as we don't create a "blood libel", we're good right?

Glenn "Gold" Beck ~ Getting his panties  in a twist because Chris Mathews corrected Bachmann about slavery. Then I'm sure we've all heard the crazy rant on his radio show about health care.

Ann "Jews Should Be Perfect" Coulter ~ Storms off of the set because apparently Hannity is being too nice to a liberal.

My personal favorite: Bill O'Reilly throwing the tantrums of all tantrums back in the day of Inside Edition. Personally in my opinion, not much has changed about him, except for the network he works for:

Am I the only one that sees that these people have no other reason to be mad other than the fact that President Obama is actually doing a better job than they would have done?  Possibly also, because he's not the huge failure that people had wanted him to be *hem hem Rush hem hem* and that he has actually been quite a success at being President of the United States of America?

I mean, what else is a pissed off republican supposed to do?  Now that we're getting close to another election year, they are again trying to pull out all stops, and bring out the birthers again with Huckabee's and Trump's recent comments.  Then with the recent one year anniversary of the Affordable Health Care Act, they just flat out lied about how it has destroyed jobs and made premiums rise.  Just blatant lies.. starting all over again.  These next two years, I should have tons to write about that's for sure!

Every time I see my kids throw a tantrum, I can for the most part get them out of it by trying to reason with them and talk to them.  More so my daughter than my son, as she comprehends a little more than he does.  I just find it somewhat funny how, if you try to reason with the above mentioned people, their only response is to get loud, call names, and just go completely hay wire.  How can my two year old have more reasoning skills and common sense than these middle aged, so-called Christians, that are oh so patriotic?

While we sit here, and have a few chuckles over these people acting like children, the true sad part is, these people either have the power to implement bills into our country, or have a huge influence on what people think and believe.  Their viewers and voters come to believe that this type of behavior is acceptable, as shown in a previous blog, and it is most definitely not.  If I don't tolerate it from my toddlers, I sure as hell do not want to see my government officials doing so. 


If you are thinking, you are winning...

A New Project of Mine

I just wanted to formally announce a new project of mine.  In the next couple of months, I will be working on a blog website of my own.  It will be at and it will consist of my blogs, and a bunch of other really neat stuff and interacting availabilities.  I don't exactly have a launch date, but once I can have a rough time-frame, I will be sure to announce.  Right now, if you were to go there, it would just have my current blog here posted.  But I promise you, when it's all up and running it will be really really awesome!  My husband works as a computer programmer, and one of his good friends works with him and he's a website designer.  I will be utilizing their expertiese to make a super kick ass site.  As I was talking with my husband about what I wanted to do, all he could do was sigh, and say, "Yeah, that can be done.. yes baby, I can do that for you" LoL!! I love my husband.  No body else would put up with me being a pain in the arse!! He thinks that it will take about 2-3 months to have everything coded, designed, and able to launch, but I will keep everyone updated on the progress with screenshot and all that good stuff.