Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Tea Party Is Screwing Us

Can I go ahead and say it since very few are?  The Tea Party, and their influence on our Democratic process and the very core values of our country, are seriously, screwing everything up!!  Many don't want to come out and say this except for in their small groups of like-minded friends, but come on people, lets get the word out!  First, let me ask one question to a "teabagger" (you should have really looked that term up in the urban dictionary before you self-proclaimed yourselves as "teabaggers". That alone shows how incapable you are of making sound decisions), name one, just one elected official that is considered a tea party member who introduced a sound and constitutional piece of legislation that does not infringe on anothers rights, whether your Christian values think that it's either wrong or right?  Go ahead... I'll wait.....
Also, I would really like to know, what exactly is your point?  I've heard many of things: Taxed Enough Already, Smaller Government, Fiscal Responsibility, Personal Responsibility, Get rid of the Fed, Lower Taxes, Get rid of the Health Care Reform Act (or as you may recognize it, Obamacare, which by the way, can also be called RomneyCare, of who is a Republican, also trying to run for President), uphold the Bill of Rights (of which no one, I repeat, not one person elected into office is trying to take away), against tyranny (tell me where it is please), communism, socialism (then by all means, please do not call your 911 operator if your house is on fire, you need an ambulance, or someone is breaking in your house.  Also, if you are laid off, please don't collect unemployment along with the health benefits of being unemployed, do not utilize the medicaid option, and don't you dare collect your Social Security when you turn 65.  Those all are socialist programs), and a whole host of other things.  Can someone just tell me, what exactly is it that your against, because as actions speak louder than words, and none of you can keep your story straight, and ALL of you that do not make more than $250,000 a year, are all voting and railing against your own interests.  So with all the inconsistencies of your stories and reason and your blatant blind follow (you were paid, and bussed to anti-protest the union protests in Wisconsin.  You were used as peons for the corporations) my only conclusion is: since the vast majority of you are 55 years of age or older, white, and fundamental Christians, why do you have such an issue about a bi-racial man, with a higher IQ than you, who honestly, is trying to do great things for this country and take care of the other 98% of Americans that bust their ass's on a daily basis trying to keep afloat against the corporations who have bought your precious republican tea party elected officials, and are truly the one's turning this country into a fascist republic, with almost no democratic processes at all?  Allow me to ask another question, if we were merely a republic, with no democracy, then how would the people who run our country get into office?  I hear all the time from the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and the ilk that we are no longer a democracy, that we are a republic.  Well, if that is truly the case, then why have elections?  Do they not realize that elections are a democratic process?  Would the people who get into office just be "who has the most money"? If that's the case, than you can kiss the two party system goodbye, along with the three branches of government, and all the checks and balances that our Founding Fathers put in place so that there could never be a one party rule. 

As I was looking up fascism in Google, I came across this definition from Wikipedia:
"Paxton sees fascism as "obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity". In Paxton's interpretation, fascists are "committed nationalist militants", working uneasily alongside traditional elites and abandoning democratic liberties in pursuit of "internal cleansing" or territorial expansion.[28]
One common definition of fascism focuses on three groups of ideas: the Fascist Negations of anti-liberalism, anti-communism and anti-conservatism; nationalist, authoritarian goals for the creation of a regulated economic structure to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture; a political aesthetic using romantic symbolism, mass mobilisation, a positive view of violence, promotion of masculinity and youth and charismatic leadership"

When I hear "Faux News", or any other republican, conservative, tea partier, or whatever you want to call them, claim that liberals and democrats are trying to turn America into a fascists country, I cannot help but laugh because it is painfully obvious that these people have no clue what fascism is. None. Whatsoever.  

Here is a perfect example of a typical "teabagger": Over the weekend, a teabagger was arrested for assult charging a speaker in Houston at a Pro-Union protest. 

And they have the nerve to call us (liberals, democrats, free thinkers) thugs and violent and people looking for trouble because we're not getting our way.... haha!!

I then, came across this article out of Arizona where they are actually trying to pass legislation to give them the option to not recognize federal laws.  Am I missing something, or is that completely illegal? Wouldn't they then have to secede themselves from the nation completely, exactly like what Sarah Palin supported in Alaska,  and violently may I add?  Then you have people like Glenn Beck who contemplate killing people with a shovel and lining them up and shooting them in the head.  Also, his famous wanting to kill Micheal Moore.  Sarah Palin calling for WikiLeaks founders murder.  Sharon Angle's second amendment remedies, and so on and so on.   I have two folders on my computer full of pictures from TeaPartyNation.Com of obvious racial remarks against President Obama, also calling John McCain a traitor for simply saying that his speech in Tuscon Arizona appropriate!  

It's clear that no matter what the President does, these people will not be happy.  It leaves a sensible person with common sense with only one conclusion about these people.  They are racist Christian extremists.  They want to rule this country by the Bible and their own convictions of what they believe to be right or wrong.  And by doing so, these people are single-handedly destroying America and the principles she was originally founded upon.  There is one thing that I do know, if in 2012, the republicans, and especially the tea party republicans have any control of the Government, America will fail.  Undoubtedly.  Most certainly.  And it will be the fault of these people.  With all this said, and if a "teabagger" has lasted this long reading this, please answer just one of my previous questions, just what exactly are you about? Because you and your ilk are making me become ashamed to be an American.  The America that you want, is NOT the America that I want.  I don't want an America that is run primarily off of a book that is increasingly becoming unpopular (the Bible incase you didn't figure that out) and I want my freedoms.  My freedoms of choice.  I want America to become "The Land of Opportunity" again, and you guys are making it become "The Land of The Rich, Who Control the Poor".  Just so you know, I want it back, and there are many, many people like me, and we WILL take it back from you.  One way or another.  With that said.. goodnight, and remember

If you are thinking, you are winning.

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