Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Because Health, Education, and Social Security Aren't As Important

According to Reuters two-thirds of states cut mental healthcare funds.  As I was reading this article, I started to ask myself questions in my head, and having somewhat of a schizophrenic conversation with myself. If the wealthiest 400 people hold as much wealth as the bottom 150 million people in our country, and if the top 400 wealthiest pretty much control our government (or at the very least, have a bigger say so) what do they really worry about?  What do the millionaires and billionaires worry about in life in general? They can afford the best health care, schools, and don't have to worry about safety nets such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or even Pensions.  Then it dawned on me as to why it seems these rich bastards don't care about us small people.

Out of sight, out of mind.

They don't "hang" with people like you and I.  They don't live in the neighborhoods where just a couple blocks down, someone tried to rob Speedway Gas Station.  Hell, they pay someone to pump their gas.  What is that saying: birds of a feather, flock together? Well, it is absolutely true.  They are there, and we are here.

Now, back to my original question, just what on earth do they worry about?  Then lets ask this question, what do the other 98% of American's worry about?

  • Health
  • Education
  • Social safety nets if need be
  • Jobs/Finances
The GOPer's and the Teabaggers are pushing, almost in an intimidating way, to cut all of these things.  Why? Well, the GOPer's are sponsored by Corporations, who hold the wealth.  The Teabaggers? Well, they're just a group of poor shmucks who are being manipulated by their Christian savors in office.  The greatest marketing tool the GOP has, is the FUD Factor, and for this group of people, it works flawlessly.  The FUD Factor stands for Fear Uncertainty and Doubt.  They instill these feelings into the feeble minds of the tea partiers, and they eat it up like Rush eats oxy's.  It really is kind of sad, and I'm actually starting to feel some tingle of empathy for these people (the tea baggers, not the people elected into office. They know exactly what they are doing).  The GOPer's get these people to vote against their own self interests because some boogy man in the White House is trying to make you get health care so you can be healthy.  He's also trying to keep medicare and medicaid in tact, and also trying to up the ante on our educational system, saying we are so far behind compared to, oh lets say, China.  He's such a horrible horrible man right?? You would think so if you sat and listened to the usual talking point script that the baggers have.  It's the same things over and over again, and you can't help but acknowledge the fact that they are truly brainwashed people.  I just don't get what their kick backs are for going along with it. 

And then there's us.  The "elite" 98% of the population.  For the vast majority of us, the things that come out of the GOP's mouths, just do not make sense at all.  It's as if they pulled it out of their other end.  You ask any mother or father, of any race, religion, country, or what-have-you what are their concerns?  I know for myself, it is my children's health (even above my own), being able to provide food and shelter for my kids, and being able to give them a worthwhile education.  My children are only 1 and 2 years old, and I am worried that in order for my kids to have a decent education, I'm going to have to do it myself through homeschooling.  What is going to be the quality of our educational system in 4 years when my oldest starts Kindergarten?  It's frankly scares the bajeezus out of me.  To top it off, we don't have health insurance.  Which is sort of a better deal.  Our Dr actually treats us like people instead of patients with a number.  Also, if we were to get a private plan, we would be paying around $800 a month for a private plan for a family of 4.  In the past 2 months, I have had to get 2 surgeries, multiple Dr visits, and just for kicks, lets add in the Dr visits of my kids into the equation, and all we've had to pay is $3000.  I still saved on my health care just paying for it out right.  I personally think this would be the way to fix the health care system.  But that's just me.  Some people like the security of safety nets, but at the same time sacrifice freedoms of making their own health care choices from the health insurance companies own "death panels".  There's another "war" going on.  It's between us and them.  Up until now, we have been losing, but we're starting to push back, and the wealthy are getting scared.  They are realizing there are way more of us fed up with their crap, and we're actually starting to say so.. so America.. keep saying so!

With all that said, and a mid-day blog interrupted by phone calls and toddlers, I'm sure I will write again later tonight. 

If you are thinking, you are winning.

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