Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So, I Can Admit, I May Be Wrong, Are We At War?

There's one thing about me you can count on.  If anything that I say is wrong, and or my mind has been changed about a particular subject, I will more than likely, admit it.  Being a female, that is a hard task for me and I assure you my husband would agree. 

I wrote a blog a couple days ago, about how we are not at war with Libya.  After 5 days since our involvement, and what has been told to us, is merely a "support" to international interventions, I think my mind is starting to change.  At first we were told that we were going in to prevent Gaddafi from killing his own people.  For humanitarian help, and then leave the rebels to build themselves back up.  We would only be there a couple days, and since it's been a couple days, there has yet to be any sort of exit strategy or a foresight of if or when we will actually declare war.  So which one is it?  There has been conflicting "goals" as to what to do, and no one seems to know the right answer.  All I know, is that if we cannot afford to support NPR, or even Planned Parenthood (which does way more than just provide abortions. They provide health and cancer screenings to low income woman and men), we sure as hell cannot afford another war.  I would support being there temporarily, for humanitarian help, as long as the Europeans keep doing 99.9% of the work, but for how long do we have to be there in order to cross that line of just support to war? 

Keith Olbermann provided a "Special Comment" from his blog today on the subject, and he seems to believe it correlates to the 5 second rule, and just listening to this, my mind is now changing.  Thank a look/listen for yourself:

Hot damn, it's good to see Keith!  One good way to tell if a journalist/reporter is not a corporate hag, is if they act and say the same things when they are getting paid by the corporations or not.  Keith Olbermann, is truly what he says to be.

So, until President Obama fully decides and makes it known to us, what exactly his plans are, and what exactly we are doing in Libya, we are there, far longer than I even thought we would.  Also we are doing far more "support", than I thought we were.  So, yes, I might be wrong.  We may in fact be at war with Libya, and if we are, when will we be told what we already know.  If we're not, then why the hell are we still there? If we are only there for mere support, then our part is done.  Let the Europeans' take it from here and we get back to our domestic issues.  We still have the attacks on Unions and the middle class, and the GOP trying to undercut Roe Vs. Wade, and make it legal for someone to murder an abortion doctor.  Along with many, many more issues, here.

Where is our humanitarian help? As it is right now, the GOP is trying to make us into a Libyan country, where all our actions are construed to what they believe they should be.  So Mr. President Sir (say it like Keith's "sir"), when will you become more focused on our domestic issues that are tearing our own country apart? 

That's all for now.  I'm sure I'll update this as more news comes in...

If you are thinking, you are winning!


  1. It's still to soon to be making final judgements on Obama's handling of Libya and his intentions.He's stated repeatedly that we will be handing over the lead to the other forces involved and that the U.S. at least will only act strictly within the parameters of the U.N. resolution. So far we have. Give it a little more time and we'll hold him accountable if he's lied to us. But I don't think he has or ever will.

  2. @Steven, I agree. I don't think Pres. Obama has lied to us, and I'm hoping he doesn't break that streak with this Libya thing. I just hope we either get out of there sooner rather than later and/or Pres. Obama tells us exactly what is going to happen. Just let us in on it!
