Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Inspires Me

Inspiration comes in many forms in my life.  It comes from my husband (i.e. for this blog), my children, my neighbors, friends, family, and the people we see in the newspapers and on TV.  For the majority of my life, I can admit that I was not particularly concerned with the world outside of my own, as nothing truly affected me.  That is when I was 20 years old.  Now being 24, a mother of 2, married to someone who has kept up with the world and all the crazy-ness of it, inspired me to do so also.  I have become a political activist out of my own home, and between my children, normal "motherly" duties, and wifely duties, the rest of my time is spent reading articles, interacting with others, and on occasion debates.  My husband tells me time and time again, of which I agree with him, he has created a monster.

My interests started during the 2008 presidential campaign.  I was absolutely astounded at the tricks the GOP pulled in trying to discredit, then Senator Obama, as a person.  Not just as a politician, but as a human being.  This may not have been such a surprise to many older people, as I'm sure these tactics were used in other campaigns, but I have to ask, was it ever that demeaning?  I don't ever remember seeing pictures like to the right in a presidential campaign.  I remember photos like this being used by radical racist groups, but it seems to be the "norm" of today and is accepted by some, and brushed off by many.  I beg to question why? It is painfully clear exactly what the GOP and the rise of the "tea party" true convictions with President Obama are.  This blatant message they are conveying is an inspiration to me.  It is like taking something bad and turning it into good.  I have a page on Facebook where I bring to light these issues in the hopes to have enough people rail against it, that these people that do this may, just maybe, realize what they are doing, and how outdated and dishonest their actions and thoughts are.

The recent protests in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and all across the nation has probably been the biggest inspiration to me concerning politics.  On March 11th, I attended the protest in Indianapolis and it was truly an awesome sight.  After attending this protest, my drive to do more grew.  With the pictures and video I took, along with some of the pictures and video from the Wisconsin and Ohio protests I put together this little video together that I encourage you to checkout.

The middle class of America is one lawmakers decision away from becoming enslaved to corporations.  The lawmakers of our day (and that does, sadly, include President Obama) are already enslaved and hypnotized by the huge amounts of campaign money and kick backs they receive.  It may be OK for them, and they may be so damn blinded by their wealth, that they forget about those of us that make less than millions, or hell, even hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.  If we cannot depend on the people that are supposed to work for "We The People" then who can we count on?  If we do not do something ourselves and push back this corporate take over of everything who will? It only takes one person, to tell another, then stand outside with a sign, and next thing you know, there is over a quarter of a million people standing in the streets in one small city in Middle America. 

With that said, I hope I can inspire just one person, to look at their options and come to the same conclusion that I have.

I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore!

It's time America.  We need to, for the sake of our children, fight for democracy.  For the America that I, only 10 years ago as a freshman in high school, was taught about America, "The Land of the Great".


  1. *applauds* Awesome. I like this, very good. Wish I was 24 when I started paying attention, and not just last year.

  2. Great work. Keep it up. We are only as strong as our signal.

  3. I'm glad you are stepping up. I'll step up as much as I can. I am at least one vote against the greedy racist pigs. In addition to that I try and spread the news.

  4. If all you can do is spread the word, that's good enough! It's better than nothing!
