Sunday, March 20, 2011

Japan, Libya, and The Middle East... Oh My...

Well, I have taken 2 days off as we were celebrating our 4 year anniversary, and I have apparently missed a lot in my little break from the jumble and confusion of the news.  So lets just get to it shall we?

What happened in Japan is devastating. I truly feel for them, and my prayers and thoughts go out to every person there, as every person was in one way shape or form directly affected.  I remember hearing about the earth quake, and being absolutely astounded that only a few people had died in one of the biggest earth quakes we have ever witnessed in any of our lifetimes.  As I was watching CNN at 2am, I watched a flush of water sweep over lands and push cars and houses around like they were toys thrown in a creek.  I remember hearing about the tsunami warnings for Hawaii, and having family there, I started to become freaked out.  Just the absolute devastation that happened to Japan, what was to become of Hawaii raced through my mind.  Thank God for them, not much damage was done, and in California, one man was washed out to sea.  Nothing at all to the devastation of Japan.  The last report I heard was over 7,000 people confirmed dead, and another 11,000 were still missing.  Then, even with the heartache that the people of Japan are facing, I started hearing reports of things that Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and people who consider themselves tea partiers had to say.  I have officially re-declared these people "The Jackass's Of America".

Rush actually laughed, and was sarcastic. Absolutely NO empathy for the people.  First he laughs...  Then defends himself acting like a shmuck!!  Seriously? Check out the clips for yourself, what has this man done, to where he cannot feel empathy for a country that has been completely devastated with death and destruction ambushed upon them in a matter of hours with virtually no warning, and no provoking....

Then we had Beck, of whom I guess can hear from God (as he has claimed so many times that God has told him Obama is a socialist/Marxist/communist and is trying to take your guns), that this was an act of God, then later denies that he said so!!  At least Limbaugh had enough gahoonaz to stand by what he said!

BTW: I (heart) Media Matters :)

So, with those two "men", who have a huge (unfortunate) influence on how people view certain world views, and often time, adopting them for themselves, this is what I found on twitter.  In the search box, just search for the hastag #pearlharbor, and you will be as appalled as I was.
 Click on the image for a larger view:

I honestly have come to the conclusion that the tea partiers, Beckers, and Limbaugh's are insane.  That is purely my opinion, but for someone to have such a huge "God Complex" with themselves, and feel superior to anyone who does not agree with them, what else can you say about them?  Beck and Rush constantly showcase who and what they are 5 days a week.  I have to wonder, just how tiring is it, to be that much of a jackass??  And then the teabaggers are just blind followers, that now have an outlet to let their real feelings show, because they have found a group amongst themselves who accept their hate, volatile, and often racist views.  Like I explain in an earlier blog, "birds of a feather, flock together".  I, personally, am glad that these people are now out in the open.  I know who to stay away from, and sadly, have found out from friends that, unfortunately, they too have been drinking the kool-aid.  The way I see it, no matter race, religion, creed, economic status, or global region, we are all part of the human race as a whole, and we should all strive to help everyone because well, that is what humanity is all about.

And now, what the hell is going on with Libya?!  I have been out of the loop, per say, for the last two days, and apparently I have missed a lot!  Last I heard, the U.N. was considering enforcing a no-fly-zone over Libya.  I come back today, and there has been a plane shot down and all kinds of things.  I need to do more catching up on what exactly is going on there, but there is one thing I wanted to clear up, for so many that just have the wrong idea about what is going on.  Listen very, very closely:

We are not at war with Libya!

President Obama has not declared war with Libya.  We are simply providing humanitarian help to the people in Libya who are being slaughtered by their unforgiving dictator.  Hell, France (who stayed neutral with our wars) are way more involved into enforcing the no-fly-zone than we are, yet I read and hear of everyone saying we are at war with Libya.  There's a difference.  We are not invading, and setting up shop like we did in Iraq. Quite frankly, I would rather pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan completely and become more involved with Libya.  I'm not going to be able to get into it as in depth as I would like, but I will in a future blog, possibly tomorrow.  I just wanted to correct some few assumptions about it.  Like I said, we are not at war.  Also, as I have read in numerous blogs, articles, and comments, Libya is not a part of the Middle East!! I read a conservative blog today, ripping on Obama's decision to become involved in the liberation of Libya, and this blogger just had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.  Only one question/favor, can people seriously do a little more homework before they feel the need to write a blog/article and state opinions and/or flat out lies before publishing it? I personally spend about three hours on a blog, trying my damnedest to make sure what I say is true, and be sure to state where my opinion comes in.  I have links out the wazoo, and double check my spelling.  During my research for this blog in particular, you know what I confirmed? Libya is not a Middle Eastern country.  Check it out for yourself!

Some of you may be asking, "So where is Libya in relation to the Middle East?"  Here you go:

Well, with those two things cleared up, I am headed for bed.  Tomorrow, I will go more in depth about Libya after I am able to check some more about what exactly is going on.  I hope everyone has a good night and enjoyed the "SuperMoon"!!

If you are thinking, you are winning.

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