Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Introducing: America's Dark Ages; Brought to You By: The GOP

I would like to officially announce {enter dramatic scary music here} America is now, in her Dark Ages. 

While YouTube-ing, I came across a video of Keith Olbermann, taped on his, now canceled, Countdown program on MSNBC.  This was aired over a year ago.  Before the 2010 mid-term elections.  Before the protests.  Before racial profiling of potential illegal immigrants, and before Peter King's hearings about (lets just be frank here), his fears of Islam.  Before the Kock Brothers became a house hold name, and before people actually started to realize, just how much corporations had control of every bought politicians actions. 

He had made chilling, and what seemed maybe Beck-ish like "prophesies".  The obvious difference between the two is, that Keith Olbermann was absolutely correct.  He was not vague in his predictions, nor was he outlandish.  He did not speak in generalizations that could be taken one way or another, but for exactly what he had said.  Let us take a count of how many have come true, and how many are currently a "work in progress":

  • Laws criminalizing or at least neutering unions                                              Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee, California, Iowa, etc..
  • Reductions of taxes for the wealthy and or corporations         
             Governor of WI Scott  Walker       On a national scale also.                  
  • Elimination of the social safety nets for everyone else                               Living here in Indiana, I already know that our Governor Mitch Daniels has recently made it known that he will be cutting medicaid and medicare, and especially dental and mental health services.  There are also pending bills to cut unemployment benefits nation-wide, along with Rep. Michele Bachmann wants to cut the nation budget by cutting the VA and SSDI. Pretty much the only safety nets we have in this country.
  • New wars sold as the new products                                                              How many times have you heard on "Faux News" that President Obama needed to send our troops to Egypt, Lybia, and any other countries that are currently fighting for democracy? Or how about the war between whether we are a "Republic" or a "Democracy"? "Capitalism" vs "Socialism"?
  • Ban on same sex marriage/abortion/evolution being taught in schools and the lack of separation of church and state                                                        I clumped all these together because they all lay within the last part: "separation of church  and state".  Same sex marriage, abortion, evolution being the only theory taught in our public schools is really a push for religion to be incorporated into our government, education, laws, and more personally, our lives.  Although the constitition forbids the majority to vote on the rights of a minority stated in Amendment XIV Section 1.
  • Racial and Religious profiling                                                                      This really fits both racial and religious profiling.   Along with the Arizona's and  Indiana's attempt to "fight illegal immigration". 
  • Teabaggers having a glorious few years as the front runners and having total control of our political system                                                                                                                                                                                      2010 Mid-Term Elections.. Yep.. This happened too
  • The end of all independent news organizations                                          Does the, now found to be false, attack against NPR, ring a bell along with the attempted de-funding of both NPR and PBS??       
  • Kiss Net Neutrality Goodbye                                                                          The GOP is after this one too. 

So with all that said, along with Keith Olbermann's predictions, can anyone really defend the fact that the GOP are the ones destroying America and turning us into a fascists (I do not use that word lightly, but by all definition, it is accurate) corporate run, not even a nation or civilized country, but perhaps a business?  

I fear, as this process continues, slavery will return.  It will be the rich enslaving the poor.  With the union busting and the corporate take over of our lawmakers, there is no one stopping them now from being held accountable.  They will be able to pay lower wages, refuse to provide benefits and pensions, and who will we run to? Who will be our "go-to guy" to help us? To make sure we have just the slightest chance of living comfortably with a safe job, and healthy work conditions.  Who?

So my question to you would be this, what are you going to do about it?  If you are ok with this, then by all means, sit back and watch as those of us who are NOT ok with it, fight for YOU.

I encourage you to go back and re-watch Keith Olbermann's video until you decide that this is not what you want, and you do something about it.              

Until next time, keep up the good fight America.

If you are thinking, you are winning.                                                                  


  1. Wishing you the best in your new blog, ProgM.

    I keep asking myself (and others) the same thing: What are we going to do about this?

    Time to take it to the streets and take our country back!

  2. What we all should be doing about it, is fighting back. IF need be REALLY fighting to stop the baggers from taking over. And we should not listen to the pacifists who think we should just sit by and do nothing and things will change. Sitting will change nothing, that should be obvious by now.

  3. It's not as bleak as your painting it to be. We are still a country of laws. We still have labor boards, courts of laws, and we also have the internet- don't like how something is going- record it and let it go viral (bad publicity does a lot.) And I do hope that it does weed out the bad eggs on the conservative side because I am one. The only reason I am one is because we don't need laws for things that should be common sense or things that should be decided within the home.

    Anyways, good luck on your blog

  4. Take to the streets? Yep - here you go.

  5. BTW, David has a mistaken concept of what pacifists are and do and think, so I suggest he study up at Wikipedia or something... and Jemma is on the wrong side if she wants fewer laws and laws that stay out of our homes. I'm in the reddest state, and our conservative legislature thinks it can't make enough frivolous and invasive laws.

  6. One more thing - we are still a country of laws? But our government breaks them at will, and makes new ones to retroactively cover the asses of their "owners". The laws are only supposed to apply to us peons, now. The rich and powerful are now above the law. Witness the utter lack of consequences for war crimes, financial fraud on the grand scale, unconstitutional detainments lacking due process, etc. Wisconsin and Michigan are taking away their citizens' very democracy, and where are the consequences? Only the people rallying... Time to wake up if you think everything hasn't changed, and we still live in the old America.

  7. What Li Li said!! Just add her statement to my blog!! Absolutely agree Li Li!!

  8. @Li Li I am not on the wrong side. I am on the only side where my conscious will allow to be on. I cannot be a Democrat because they claim to fight for women's rights. But those rights already mine and no one can give them to me. I am anti abortion- I value life from conception to Death. While I do believe that working together does is good and helping others is right, I also believe that I am living this life not anyone else. But I understand where you are coming from. Since the government is of, for, and by the people means that it is really all of us citizens running the country. As such it is right for us to help each other because by helping one another we become stronger and better people and a nation. It is a wonderful and beautiful ideal, but trying to legislate away hate and all the bad stuff is just as wrong to me as the GOP trying to legislate morality. Certain things are common sense and certain things need to be taught.
    Yes we are a country of laws. If you are so worried about consequences in Wisconsin and Madison, wait and see what happens when it gets into their court systems. I can't really comment on war crimes with any certainity- Gitmo in particular- I haven't really been follwing the war. But first and foremost- neither the activities in Iraq or Afghan are a declared war- but a peacekeeping mission. And even though they are peacekeeping- they are bloody and dirty and tough decisions are made, some are bad and some are good.
